The average household loses over $110,000 in potential income by making the wrong Social Security claiming decisions.
Get the money you have earned and are entitled to with help from an RSSA*.
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Get the Social Security Benefits You Deserve
Claiming Social Security is often a complicated and daunting task for most individuals. There are over 2,700 rules which govern how your benefits are determined and there are literally thousands of claiming strategies. Additionally, 96% of people get less than they should resulting in the average American household losing over $110,000 in lifetime benefits.
As a Registered Social Security Analyst (RSSA), I can help you achieve the optimal claiming strategy to ensure that you receive every dollar that you have earned and are entitled to.
I will analyze all possible claiming options including your most optimal strategy and I will create your personal Social Security benefits plan which will include:
Claiming strategy options
Future earnings impacts
Strategies to avoid reduced benefits
Maximizing spousal and survivor benefits
Benefits for children and family maximums
Longevity scenarios
Cost of living adjustments
Pension reduction calculations
And more!
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